Prepare to Impress

—job hunting for the ambitious, frustrated, unemployed and those facing redundancy

by Rob Ball & Tammy Ball With Natalie Ball



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781467020091

About the Book

You will only find a job if you Prepare to Impress. Facing unemployment, frustrated by the lack of opportunities or ambitious to advance guidance is available. Dealing with a tumult of emotions, perhaps including worry, fear and uncertainty, the task of job hunting can become highly stressful. Knowing how to approach it – finding vacancies, creating a CV, performing at interview – will give confidence and improve the chances of success. Many situations may feel unfair but need to be addressed. Redundancy does feel unfair but is it being legally carried out? What should the affected people do? What emotions do most people suffer? How can the situation be handled? There are jobs available but where? How are they found? What do companies expect of applicants? What should and should not be in a CV or application form? How to prepare for an interview? What might be asked? How to deal with the “Dear John” letter? Finding a job is not a solitary occupation but it is a full-time role. Doing it well requires thought, preparation and guidance. Prepare to Impress gives clues to those ready to make the effort to find the job or career which is right for them.

About the Author