The Deadly Game

by P.I.Jack



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/09/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781463448523

About the Book

P.I.Jack is back for another adventure in crime. His old friend needs his help. Captain Duffy is knee deep in drugs,betrayal,and murder.Not knowing who to trust,he calls for out side help.Little does Duffy and Jack know how big the problem is.It ranges from a stolen ship and boats,illegal drugs,and huge profits to be had. Once Duffy and Jack starts investigating they realize it's to big for two of them. So Jack suggest that they call in Laverne former FBI agent her contacts,and Trents contacts from his Private Investigative firm may become valuable. Soon all the twist and turns have you wanting more. If you enjoyed the first series."P.I.and the Lady in Red" you will enjoy this book and the next series to follow.

About the Author

Born in Southamption Long Island New York. Lived in Eastport, LI NY, Joined US Navy in 1960 retired in 1982 as Chief MM, ESWS attended instructor school USN. Attended the College of Lake County studied AC&R Attented Southern Illinoise University Military Campus, Studied Vocational Education.Wrote a course in AC&R and taught the course in an adult education at Waukeegan High School. Member of International private Investigators Union,and National Association of investigative Specialist,plus National Judgment Network. Currently live in Orlando Florida.