A Spot to Perch

A Tortuous Journey to Citizenship

by Dr. Oliver Akamnonu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781463433949
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781463433932

About the Book

They had initially made yearly vacation visits to the United States. Those were fun and relaxation times. But the monumental insecurity in their homeland coupled with disgust with the incessant mounting corruption and harassment from men in flowing robes and in uniform who were supposed to protect the citizens became so unbearable that the couple started surveying avenues for relocation to God’s Own Country.

When the opportunity finally came by, and the couple landed in Los Angeles airport they came to discover new challenges which they were to grapple with.
The belief that a perfect spot to perch had been found was soon to be soured by the saga of two apparently innocuous tubers of yams whose combined value was less than one dollar.
Even after the yams were confiscated and destroyed at the airport the aftermath of the violation was to replay nearly five years later when naturalization for citizenship of the United States was sought.

The enormous powers of two tubers of yams were greatly displayed as the applicants grappled with unforeseen situations which had sought to thwart the life-long desires of a couple to be participants of the promises of God’s own country.
Would the promise of realization of the American Dream succumb to the evil machinations of two inanimate tubers of yams?
Or would the justice and fair play in a country that prides itself with its trust in God; one that holds certain truths as self evident, once again proclaim its superiority over apparent trivialities in the Land of the free and the Home of the brave.

About the Author

Oliver Akamnonu is a medical doctor who specialized in anesthesiology. He attended St Brigit’s Catholic School Enugu, and Government Secondary School Afikpo where he was a college scholar and rose to be captain of school. He studied medicine in the University of Ibadan medical school and later specialized in anesthesiology. He was Consultant and Head of Department of Anesthesiology at Government General Hospital Owerri. A two term State Chairman of the Nigerian Medical Association Imo state (2000-2004) he was a member of the first Board of the Federal Medical Center Owerri. He was appointed as a member of the apex regulatory body for the practice of Medicine and Dentistry in Nigeria, the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). A winner of the coveted Distinguished Medical Practitioner (DMP) award, (DMP 2005), Dr Akamnonu is a published author of over twelve books in the USA and the United Kingdom and these include: Suppers of Many Dishes part 1; Suppers of Many Dishes part 2; The Gods have Not Yet Spoken; Taste of the West; Nation of Dead Patriots; Coming Late to America; Bature; The Trial of Monogamy; The Honorable; Arranged Marriage and the Vanishing Roots; and Comedy of Naked Vampires. He also co-authored the books Earth’s Man of Color; Soldier Ants of War and Konganoga: Mauling the Polity with his High School friend Professor Ndu Eke. Dr Oliver Akamnonu is married to Dr Chika Agnes Akamnonu and they have four children, Olisaemeka, Chibuikem, Somtochi and Chukwuka. He lives in New York, USA.