Christian Meat for Christian Muscles

Part 1 - Faith, Love, Jesus, the Kingdom, and Christian Values

by Sandtorock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781456783808

About the Book

The Bible is full of pivotal verses that are very well-known but not as well understood. Unless one attends Bible college, the full benefit that comes from studying the scriptures will probably not be realised. How then can the average Sunday church attendee become “strong in the Lord” which is every Christian’s birthright? The topics discussed in this book (faith, love, Jesus, the kingdom, and Christian values) will help provide the spiritual nourishment to encourage growth and strengthen the inner man. Take for example, the concept of faith that is central to spiritual life. It is a gift from God, but what is it, doesn’t everybody have faith of one sort or another? It’s impossible to please God without it, but how well are we using it for that purpose? It is the substance of things hoped for and the key to answered prayer; but is our duplicitous nature preventing our faith being effective? Perhaps if these questions were truly resolved in minds, we would know for sure that we are living in faith. Then there is the topic of love. Love is a generic word that is experienced throughout all stages of life differently. Yet love is the measure that Jesus said would distinguish Christians from all others. Does Christian love need clarification? Do we appreciate the relevance of the example of how to love that Jesus displayed for us? Applying ourselves to Christian values is the way to a treasured life, but it does not come without challenges. The godly precepts governing holiness, unselfishness, sexuality, truth and honesty, are contrary to the ways of the world. Are we taking advantage of every opportunity to defend and promote these differences, or would we prefer society’s alternative value system to be motivating our children? Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, but what does His Lordship actually mean to us? How familiar are we with His incredible life, His claims, His parables and miracles? Would a fresh look at Jesus help us to be able to keep our focus on Him? Are we clothed in Him? Are we living in Him? Is there something He wants to say to us to keep us from straying off the narrow path? Some of Jesus teachings are hard to swallow, like: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:54) A better understanding of Jesus in the settings of the gospels, will help to explain why Jesus say some bizarre things. The kingdom is our destination. Let’s embrace the glorious everlasting Kingdom that Jesus promised to us; by refreshing our understanding of its entry criteria, the attitudes that embody it, and the resources that support it. With a more complete understanding of these foundational things, we will have more confidence to live as God desires, and confront those in the world who need to know Him.

About the Author

‘Christian Meat for Christian Muscles’ was written by a number of authors under license to Sandtorock through the organisation. From the dozens of submissions received on each title, the articles that appear in this book were selected as the best. Every writer has a unique style and brings their own knowledge and experience. The result is a smorgasbord of food for thought on matters central to the Christian experience and Christian growth. Part 1 of ‘Christian Meat for Christian Muscles’ discusses faith, love, Jesus, the kingdom, and Christian values. Part 2 of ‘Christian Meat for Christian Muscles’ discusses wisdom, self esteem, character, prayer, and the promises of God. Your feedback to the authors would be appreciated by visiting where you can also contribute your own reflections and comments on each title.