You Can't Heal a Wound By Saying It's Not There

How to Overcome Your Past, Rebuild Your Present, and Embrace your Future

by Dr. Saundra J. Taulbee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/04/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781468561098
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781468561081

About the Book

What do a high tech, workaholic man addicted to pornography and alcohol, a talented woman who loses her “voice” and struggles with intimacy in marriage, a man who is unable to be sexually faithful to his wife, and, a ten year old depressed boy have in common? Each of them is in desperate need of healing from wounds of the past.

But, just what is the nature of the wound?

Author Saundra Taulbee explains through actual case examples and vignettes from her own life that we are all in need of healing from wounds that begin in childhood, but, if undealt with, manifest in dysfunctions in family relationships, in marriage, in friendship, in work/career, in the way we see ourselves, and, in the way we relate to God.

A quick self-assessment quiz: How many of us know how to find real peace within? Are you at peace with family, and actually love them and like to be around them – especially during the holidays? How many of us experience real relationship with friends where you can be yourself and be accepted? How many of us harbor bitterness and hold grudges against a loved one for past hurts? Are you married but still alone, unable to break through walls of silence or anger? Do you know what are your life-passions; yet, you allow them to go unfulfilled? Why is that? How many of us are really using our God-given gifts and talents to reach out to other people in need, to help them be different?

An honest response of “that’s me”, to any of the above questions suggests you have a wound in need of healing that goes deep within your soul, blocking you from the life that awaits you.

So, why read, You Can’t Heal a Wound by Saying It’s Not There? Because it walks us through common issues of life that show us repeating negative patterns revealing how we fail to live authentically, how we live double-lives, how we focus on self-satisfaction instead of serving others, how we rely on achievement and success to feel value, how we get caught up with excesses that take our minds off things that matter, how we struggle with addictions of all kinds that we keep secret. Told through the stories of nine real people, You Can’t Heal a Wound… helps you think through vicissitudes of your life, determine what really matters in the long run, and, begin to figure out how to use your life – wounds and all – to help turn others’ lives around.

This book is for you, whether man or woman, married or single, gay or straight, skeptic or far away from God, or a follower of Jesus. Come, wherever you are on your journey, walk along with me through the pages of this book, and, dare to be different by the end of your reading!

You Can't Heal a Wound............. is about overcoming the wounds of your past. It is a book about hope and healing and living the life you always wanted, but did not know how to find. Chapters outline common issues we struggle with, and practical solutions for recovery. The book concludes with addendum endnotes for further study and a study guide for individual or small group study.

About the Author

I am a Christian therapist, trained in psychiatry as a Doctor of Mental Health, who has been working to help people for 25 years. I was trained to understand the delicate interaction between mind, body, emotions, and psychopharmacology. Not only that, but, from years of helping people and undergoing extensive analytic work myself, I have come to understand that we all struggle with hurts, hangups, and habits that block communication, distort feelings, cause depression, anger, and, that sometimes reveal underlying chemical imbalances in the brain. Whether our dysfunctional behaviors are learned or biochemically derived, they are typically rooted in unresolved past experience of growing up in our families of origin. My work has involved helping people overcome their past and walk in freedom.

I believe that people change because they have hope that things can be different. Thus, change unfolds as we 1) understand why we do what we do, and 2) learn (internalize) new responses to triggers of old dysfunctional behaviors so that negative reaction cycles are broken. I serve as a portal helping people embrace new ways of living, whether as clinician or pastor.

I am also a pastor. The gestalt has changed. What was foreground - psychiatry, is now background. Ministry is now foreground. And, I use many of the same skills. Not only that, but I have learned much from people who have taught me over the years as I pastored churches across the country. I am currently planting a new church in Orange County, CA. with outreach to people who are "turned off" to church and institutionalized religion. Our website:

EDUCATION: University California, San Francisco Medical Centre, San Francisco, CA, Doctor of Mental Health; Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, Master of Divinity; Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, Master of Education.

I paint in oils, sketch in charcoal, and write for publication. I enjoy all kinds of music, and have my own guitar and piano which I want to learn how to play. I like movies, theatre, symphony, gourmet dining, and leisure rides offroading throughout California with my husband, Stephen, and dog Benji. I am married to my best friend who has journeyed with me on the road of practicing what this book is about. Also, I am blessed to be a grandmother of two darling children, a 7 year old and a 3 month old, and proud mother of an only daughter and her wonderful husband.