Dear Boss

A Victim's Victims

by Thomas Mead & Kevin Marks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/02/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781456729844

About the Book

TRYING TO PROVE that a historical figure was not Jack
The Ripper was the beginning of 15 years of research. At each
turn, whether it be motive, opportunity, psychological profile,
etc., I could not remove “him” from suspicion. What I found
only kept pointing more and more toward “he could have
done it”. It was painful not be able to cross “him” off my list.
As we have learned mass-murderers come in various shapes
and sizes. Theodore Robert Bundy by all appearances was a
well groomed, well-mannered model of young manhood and
yet underneath that facade lurked the cold heart of a killing
machine. My “suspect” does not fit that mold on the outside
but was thought to possess a spiritual soul and kind heart.
Could he have also hidden a dark side? A dark and hideous
side that could also patiently wait? Wait to grow strong and
lash out at the progenitors of his deep and repressed hatred?
Who of us can be sure we can spot a true monster?

About the Author

Tom Mead and Kevin Marks met in High School and became fast freinds that drifted over the yeras. After their 20 year reunion Tom approached Kevin with the results of some 15 years of research into the "Ripper" murders. Kevin was sceptical but was swayed by the totality of information Mead had collected that kept pointing to one person. We realize you the reader may be sceptical also but hope you can keep an open mind or do as we did. Try to PROVE "he" couldn't have done it.