The Fifth Dimension

The Missing Link

by Joseph Donnelly



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/03/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 740
ISBN : 9781456772413

About the Book

Reason - Purpose - cause - Hope - Desire - But no expectation? I have always been interested in the God form of all of our religions! To whit apart from any blame structure associated with any opinion of the God element of all religions! My particular stand was to place us as the one specie we are before the one God that is!? Within I have laid down complete reasoning to where there is actual proof of when God was discovered first by humanity, the huge coincidence is that this was done for all time by events to have occurred in the Middle East any time from 40.000 to 100.000 years ago! From all the necessary checking I have done of our joined histories, I make clear my conclusions. By cutting to the modern out of sheer necessity I have used the maxim less is more to sanitise our needed future progress. The book allows that we can introduce dramatic change by small moves In title The Fifth Dimension is a backdrop to all future advancement because it offers direction of focus in what to do and of how to do it. By offering three taken and one active prospects in abeyance, we are led to the matter of haste without the hurry because in now knowing what we must do. In now knowing the crucial element is to fit in relief change to our individual lifecycle of some fifty plus to seventy plus years depending on our circumstances. Our haste is brought to check because even from now without change we can slowly alter things for all in the right voice? Less is more and the missing link are ably held by my three taken prospects, ‘Out of Africa’, ‘Past Gods Words’, along with ‘Natural Body Death’ tied with my one active prospect of ‘One for the Whole’. All four carried from now in by The Fifth Dimension will be our key to better understanding of each other in all cases!

About the Author

Born Dublin Ireland, 65 years old, original real working class, coming from a lower ranks army family. Early years made me nationalist in a western European sense, generated from the bloc culture political situation to have developed at the time. Having lived through all the political and religious upheavals generated throughout the world since 1945, my main interest is post that time period. From amidst a very emotional, hard and very loving family background, my natural focus had been turned to the whys and wherefores of our legacy to future generations. Not least families and connected groups, naturally to include many of us who by the same token of connection , also feel alone and lonely! From a limited educational background, but with an open and optimistic heart, I have felt self compelled, self compelled (not appointed) to try and improve matters from how I had seen them develop. But to include my own experiences in many cases of small matters, with the intention to introduce needed change as I saw it? Not I add from any sense of self righteousness, but because of my life’s experience’s? Although brought up with a high sense of duty from my military background, ready to serve country! My own special good fortune had been that I was not called to serve under original terms, which left me free to ponder the best of ways for what might improve my families prospects expanded into the thinking of specie, of where we are now! To balance things, I have had far more time to look back than I now have to look forward! Having been taught to be a crack shot with a rifle in my formative years, I have been allowed deep reflection on what the consequences of me having to put my shooting skill into action, of which at one time I was prepared to do. Such reflections I have had about the prospect of to kill of self by self by any method other than by the bullet, have freed me to the full prospect of not to kill of self by self in total human terms unless necessary! To have entered the dark side of the human psyche has allowed me liberate us all from such dour thoughts and deeds, of which I an not ashamed of my original concepts and ideals! Most of anything about me apart to my strong feeling to the above attune me in good fortune to what we all are in our membership of this one and fine specie we are. We all seek to understand human purpose! And I commit that is another factor to bring us as the human specie we are to achieving of objective!