Sleep for Success! Everything You Must Know About Sleep but Are too Tired to Ask

by Maas and Robbins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/01/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781452037752
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 264
ISBN : 9781452037769

About the Book

Given the present, stress-inducing state of the economy and the world, there has never been a better time to provide a wake-up call on how to relax, get centered, get 8 hours of sleep and be happier and more successful. Recent research has shown us that when we get enough sleep, we are able to accomplish more in less time and with less stress and greater health. We don’t need a 26-hour day. With more efficient and effective sleep habits, in our book, 24 hours is more than adequate.


Our proposition is simple and compelling. Do you want to be healthier, more productive, energetic, creative, organized, efficient, and constantly expanding your potential?  Do you want to be less stressed, happier, have a better relationship with yourself and others, and a deeper sense of well-being?  What if you could take a few small steps every day that would enable you to eventually achieve all these things?


You can.


In fact, it’s easy.


Sleep for Success!, a convincing, psychological approach to changing attitudes and behaviors, is written for anyone who wants to get a great night’s sleep, feel wide-awake and be a peak performer all day. It pertains to executives, students, parents, athletes, children and senior citizens.  If you’re human, chances are that you are at least somewhat sleep deprived.


Sleep for Success! can change your life – literally overnight.

About the Author

Dr. James B. Maas received his B.A. from Williams College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell. He is Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, professor and past chairman of psychology at Cornell University and professor at the Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar. Dr. Maas has been a Fulbright Senior Professor to Sweden and a visiting professor at Stanford University.


Dr. Maas is the recipient of the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Teaching Award for being the nation’s outstanding educator in psychology. He holds the world’s record for having taught more than 65,000 university students in his 44-year career. Dr. William C. Dement, the father of modern day sleep research, refers to Dr. Maas as “the world’s first and foremost sleep educator.”


Dr. Maas is co-founder of Sleep for Success, a consulting company that provides sleep and performance education to corporations, educational institutions and professional athletic franchises. He is one of the nation’s most sought after speakers, presenting highly acclaimed programs for such organizations as: Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), World Presidents' Organization (WPO), Eastman Kodak, IBM, Apple Computers, the GAP, Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, John Hancock, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Maytag, US Navy, SC Johnson, American College of Facial and Plastic Surgeons, American Urological Association, Pepsi Cola, Quaker Oats, Nestle, Starwood Hotels, Cunard, Crystal Cruise Lines, the New York Jets and the Orlando Magic.


Rebecca Scott Robbins, B.S. Cornell University, served as instructor at the Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar, is a PhD candidate in communications at Cornell University, and is co-founder of Sleep for Success. Rebecca has presented dynamic speeches on sleep to large corporate and educational audiences, and has taken a leadership role in effecting change in such prestigious schools as the Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, the Iolani School in Hawaii and the Hong Kong International School.