With the Joys of Love, Laughter and a Smile

by Pete Goodwin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781452083964

About the Book


The truth behind all of my work or words and writing and how it all began in the autum of October 2005 when I was listening to some music over a couple of beers and I took a line from a song (it's true) and I came up with my first poem Love, Joy and Happiness (from the heart).

And my ex-girlfriend, partner helped me get started proper in 2006 and that's my I write about love, friendship and happiness in my life and work as well as the joys of sadness in a poem i write to my work was also written due to health and menta health

About the Author

The truth behind me and why I write and how I put my book together started back in 2005 when I was unable to control my self, my depression and my pesonal feeling towards my ex partner who most of my work was written for in August 2006 and we have since parted back in October 2006 as this resulted in more attempt on my life with my depression I was able to write again when I attened wakefield writers group at the peppermill in pontefract west yorkshire where was able to continue with my writing as after this day i was able to put my life together and continue with my writing. The book of my poems only came about as I was browsing on the internet and I stumble across Author House and I got in touch with them and I came up with a book title With the joys of love, laughter and the joys of a smile and I would like to thank my family, my friends, my support worker and the staff at the peppermill Pontefract and all the members of the Wakefield Writers Group for getting me to where I am today Yours Truly Pete Goodwin