Life, and Matters Arising

A Collection of Poetry

by Michael Cornter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781449039806

About the Book

This book takes a view on life that is enthusiastic, wry, sometimes disgruntled, and always down to earth. Readers of most backgrounds will find themes with which they identify- if not necessarily agree with- in these poems. A rich collection of thoughts, observations, experiences, opinions and musings; "poetry for the non-connoisseur" is how Michael Cornter describes his work. "It's my take on life and its various issues - light and dark, harsh and humerous, but above all, I hope, entertaining".

About the Author

Michael Cornter was born in Oldham, Lancashire in 1946. His family moved south in 1950 to Hampshire, where he has lived for most of his life. He left school at 16 with no formal qualifications and after a few years doing mundane clerical work he became a sales representative with a large agricultural merchant, working his way up to a senior management position. However, a lifelong interest in sport nudged him into buying a sports retail business in Winchester in 1991, which he ran with his wife and eldest son. In 2004 he took early retirement, passing the business to his son. This offered him the opportunity to pursue another long held interest in writing, and after having a number articles on various diverse subjects published in magazines and newspapers, he began to write poetry, finding this far more satisfying. Still a keen sports fan, Michael plays tennis regularly and umpires local cricket. His other main interests are amateur dramatics and walking his lurcher dog, Sophie. He also spends quite a lot of time in Cornwall where he finds inspiration for some of his poetry.