Words Is What I'm Doing

by Cecelia Peters



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781449021627

About the Book

Words is what I’m Doing is a collection of  story notes and poems based on stories the author heard as a child and in adulthood, recalling the lives of ancestors, current family, and friends and mentors of the Poet. Although the stories can be classified as faction the poems are factual  and are an eclectic mix of love, loss, passion and humour. The story notes are in chronological order starting in 1807 when the Poet's ancestor John Peters arrives in Liverpool on a slave ship sold because of his runaway blood culminating in the author's journey to Liverpool in 2008.

Intermingled with the poems the story notes tell of colourful characters such as Mimosa protege of  Obeah Woman Ben, the wilful Clementina who found it hard to love,the thoughtful Jeremiah Grant-Peters along with Emily Cupid the daring member of the pigmentocracy.

The book offers stark contrasts, for example the Poems “Is the Poet Wearing Thongs?” and “R.J. used to be a Poet, but now he's just a drunk” are in sharp contrast to the poems about the brave Mimosa or The Demon Drink, each reflecting a serious and also humorous side to the Poet offering the readers rhyme schemes and choice words to draw them in.

About the Author

Cecelia Grant-Peters grew up and still lives in Langley, Berkshire with her two sons Robert and Conor. She is a Legal Secretary but writes poetry at every available opportunity. She wrote her first poem as a child in 1969 and has a collection dating back to 1972. As a child her father told her to keep everything she writes, and she did. Her poems are based on her life experiences, feelings and collected memories and stories handed down many generations. Her poetry is stark and uncompromising and unlikely to appeal to those who like Moons in June and happy endings.The Poet gets straight to the point and often refers to herself as a "no holds Bard."