Basic Self Improvement

by Napoleon Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/01/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781449024178

About the Book

 My book is a tool with words, illustrated charts, definations that defines and explains my concept of self, life and the roles we as God creations  must do. This book vividly explains God's plan for you and I, our functions, our states of being, the things we do, how we do it, and how we are to adapt and adjust the following blueprints set forth by Our Creator God in the name of Jesus Christ.

About the Author

 I,Napoleon Lee born in a family of productive ambitously spirirtual and career minded persons. I've acquired a taste for inter-peace and tranquility. I sort adventure in the Armed Forces, persued many field of education, but the most gratifying was my experience with God.

As a family man, while watching my children and grandchild grow I sort after the plan that God has for us, and the role we must play in it. Sense '1993 through years of study I finally believed I have found the true answer, writing from vast experience and knowledge. I have understand and gain knowledge and lived out what's in the pages of my book to guide, teach, show, and direct to family and friends.