I Did As I Was Told

by Marty Rightmyer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/11/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 548
ISBN : 9781438903316
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 548
ISBN : 9781438903309

About the Book


This bold new inspiring book is so full of twists and turns, it will certainly over whelm you with each chapter.

It is a compelling and touching novel, based on fact, taking you on a journey through the life of a very young girl as a working foster child in the 1950's and beyond, beginning with a postpartum mother, an abrasive alcoholic father and bewildered siblings, that are in her constant care as she struggles for normality.

Travel through the uncertainties of her early childhood dealing with moving from home to home, abandonment and on going medical issues. Her misfortune will take hold of your heart strings and you'll want to protect and comfort this intelligent determined little girl named Rose.

She grows into Margaret as she is controlled and then, read along as she matures into Marty, a cool sure footed confident teen with strong survival instincts and skills long forgotten in today's society. Her only companion is her own strength.


About the Author


Today, with a hard learned past in Maryland, Marty draws upon memories of her young years living in the Welfare System in Maryland. Her experiences as a working farm foster child formed her character into a survivor. She has evolved into a light of heart, rogue spirited woman being very secure in who she is. There is a special place in her heart for those she has met and will always welcome, with open arms, into this place called life. 

 For most of her adult life she taught, "The Art of Equestrian Riding" using the patience and discipline, she learned as a child and is currently retired in the Ozark Mountain Range, raising Boer Goats and loving life with her husband Pete.