The Rising Rosebud

The lady with the millennium message.

by Nelson Iwejua



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/02/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781425986742

About the Book

The Rising Rosebud is a thriller. It is an inspirational story, about a young lady who overcame parental and socio-cultural pressures, in her search for the true dignity of womanhood.

The interplay of events in the novel, distinguished it as the book of the millennium. The message conveyed by the heroine of the novel was not only for her African environment in which she grew up but for the entire world.

There are a lot of lessons to learn from this work, it teaches about true love, courage,fundamental human right and trust.  For tyrants who prefer to die in office, the rewards of absolute power and bad leadership  will always be received. The reader will also be held spellbound by the rich African traditon seen in this novel. The taste of the pudding is in the eating, welcome on board. 


About the Author

Nelson is the first son of  Chief Samuel and Mrs Charity Iwejua. Samuel worked as a Tax and Motor Licencing Authority in the Board of  Inland Revenue,Abia State Nigeria.

Nelson was born on the 23'rd of  October 1965. After college, he was admitted as one of the pioneer students of Abia State Polytechnic where he studied Advanced marketing and Advertising. He  worked as a Marketing Manager in Meco Quality Foods at the state capital,with distribution network in all major cities of Nigeria. He latter enroled in Abia State University for a degree course in Government and Public administration.

It is interesting to note that, Nelson had passion for the works of great literary writers like William Shakespare, Chinua Achebe,Professor Wole Soyinka(nobel laurette in Literature) and many others.   He is presently residing in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.