Bible Answers To World Questions

by Kris Doulos



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/03/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781425979898

About the Book

Common sense is the key to determining if something is true or false. This also applies to understanding the teachings of the Bible. Traditional religion has altered many messages in the Bible to accommodate an agenda. Like the Jews of Jesus' day, people cleave to their traditional views so they can remain a part of their chosen church or religious order. The answers in this book are not influenced by tradition. They give the reader an opportunity to obtain a truthful answer and help share that answer with others who need the help provided by the truths in the Bible.

Anyone familiar with the way the Bible was compiled knows it is not a work of perfection. Anyone who knows the languages of the Bible knows the translations are not perfect. Tradition and imperfection influenced the compilation and translations. The writers were men who believed in God and Jesus but didn’t fully understand either. Like any other servant of God, they wrote what they believed was correct knowing imperfect men don’t produce perfect work any more than an imperfect reader fully comprehends what is written. The Bible is only a lamp that lightens the path of the person sincerely seeking God. It is the responsibility of the seeker to walk the path with the lantern in hand.


Peter and Paul did and said things that contradicted what Jesus taught. This book tries to present them as flawed but committed Christians who made a great contribution to the life of this author and millions of others who had the good fortune to read what they wrote. They were imperfect men, writing about a perfect God. Though imperfect, the writings in the Bible are adequate to show a person the way to God and warn the don’t-need-God person of his final destination. 

About the Author

While in high school, the author enjoyed math and planned to become an aeronautical engineer. He knew nothing of the writings in the Bible and had only attended a church a few times. He heard a preacher say the Bible was the word of God so his commitment to God was followed by a diligent study of the Bible. His approach was similar to his approach in geometry where he was given theorems to prove. Assuming the theorem was correct because it was in the book was not acceptable, it must be proven. His desire was not to prove the Bible wrong but to learn from it what was right.


Through the years he gave the theorems of all the religions and philosophies he encountered the same strict and objective investigation he gave the theorems of geometry. He did not shield the Bible or its writers as something or someone too sacred to be questioned. He enjoyed reading what the Bible presented as truth and was thrilled each time he learned “why” it was true. This approach to the Bible did not sit well with some preachers and congregations so he secured secular work to avoid the conflict that comes when tradition is questioned. He is a committed advocate of the Bible. To him it is not as a book of debate or an object of worship or superstition, but a sufficient source of information for anyone to wants to learn how to meet God.