by Susan Surgoth



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/10/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781425966782

About the Book

THE KEY TO MY CHILDREN SERIES: EVAN’S EYEBROWS SAY YES is about a three year old little boy who uses a wheelchair and requires many adaptations in order to participate fully in the classroom due to his weakened muscles.  From the very first day Evan entered the preschool classroom, he felt welcomed.   He could play safely with his friends on the floor by using adaptive equipment, he could lead them marching around the classroom as he beat his adapted tom-tom, and he could do a puzzle or an art project on his tray along with the other children.  He even used the computer to teach the others about Thanksgiving by just touching an adapted screen connected to the computer instead of using a “mouse”.  He was a wonderful boy who stole Miss Susan’s heart.  When Evan used his eyebrows up and down as if to nod “yes” instead of nodding his head,  Miss Susan and Miss Nancy smiled.  He had even adapted himself to meet his needs!


Evan’s key to learning is not only adaptive equipment but also his incredible love for life.  Evan was a joy to have in the classroom.  Evan’s label is Other Health Impairment.


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About the Author



Susan Surgoth is an Early Childhood teacher and a Developmental Therapist in the state of Indiana.  She received her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Special Education from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.  She earned her Masters degree from Butler University in Indianapolis.


Susan began teaching special needs children at the junior and senior high level.  She then worked as a Secondary Coordinator for a Special Services Cooperative consisting of seven school corporations.


Some years later she worked for the Indiana Department of Education, Division of Special Education as an Area Coordinator.  However, she quickly learned she was getting too far removed from the thing she loved the most: the children.  She then accepted a job as the Preschool Data Collection Coordinator, with a promise of returning to teaching when the State of Indiana became mandated to provide education for special needs preschoolers three years later. Little did she know she would find her passion in life.  Besides her family of three children and husband, teaching special needs preschoolers is her blessing.


“After years of heart-warming experiences, I decided I had to find a way to share the children with others.  I began writing down rewarding moments and finally decided to invite people into my classroom by writing a series of children’s books.  After finding just the right illustrator, my adventure began.”




Cathy Kravitz is originally from Colorado and has been living in Carmel, Indiana for the past 20 years.  She is married and has 2 grown children.  Cathy began her career in elementary education until her children were born, at which time she became an artist.  She has taught art classes for the past 18 years as well as established her own business Creative Arts by Cathy.  Cathy primarily works in clay and has sold pieces throughout the world.  She has exhibited in New York City as well as many locales in the Indianapolis area.  Cathy recently finished writing and illustrating her first book, A DOG’S DAY with DOG EAR PUBLISHING.


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