His Love Hasn't Changed

by Martin P. Trudell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/04/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781425946272

About the Book

Year in and year out The Conner's played the same old role of "The Church Family" during Christmas when the local church would hold it's annual Christmas program. After all, it was the thing to do.....after all, Jake Conner was a man of tradition and wouldn't think of missing it. It was a chance to clear his conscience and make up for spending the other 364 days a year living life pretty much the way he saw fit. But this religious "cloak" he wore didn't fool his family and it sure didn't fool God.

After a moving Christmas service, Jake's own teenage son Billy begins to realize there just might be more to this "religion" thing then meets the eye. Unbeknownst to him, his older sister Barbara comes home from college with some rather startling news of her own, and what she has to share will change the lives of not only the Conner's but the people around them......


Jessica sat alone in a darkened apartment. The emotional pain was almost more than she could bear as she played back the events in her mind that led her to this point. Oh, how she hurt.

Rejected by her own family she had little use for anybody, least of all those hypocrites that sat in the pews celebrating the birth of their God with hollow lip service. That's how she saw it anyway. And why not? She didn't have enough fingers to count how many of these "holier than thou's" left her feeling like she was worth little more than a glance, a negative comment or a roll of the eyes. But then her own parents rejected her, so why expect anything more from anyone including God??





About the Author

Martin P. Trudell was born in Burlington,VT. He has relocated to several different states before moving to Albany,NY where he now resides with his wife and six cats. Martin has ministered at various churches and on television as a guest and co-host of  The "Jesus Loves You" show for six years. He has written and acted in several skits and plays and was involved with the theatrical production of "His Love Hasn't Changed" which was the first of its kind to be presented at "The Hilton Theatre of the Arts" in Albany. He has written plays for Davids Tabernacle School of the Arts in Loudonville,NY. In his spare time, Martin enjoys his wife, nieces and nephews(Nick,David,Emily,Elizabeth,Justine and Christian),Bible studies,old tv shows,and football.  This is Martin's first book.