A Kentucky Colonel in King Arthur’s Court and The Swamp Maiden of Venus

by Kenneth Tucker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2006

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781425943837
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781425942885

About the Book

A botched alchemical experiment tosses Hal Morgan—the scion of a wealthy Louisville family and perhaps a relative of Twain’s Hank Morgan--into a whacky dimension, where the characters of Arthurian legend indeed exist!  Hal soon finds himself involved upon a dangerous quest to save Arthur’s court from the plotting of a mysterious black knight.  Joined by a sprightly female warrior and a whimsical thief, Hal must confront a mangy werewolf, talking salmon, an exceedingly amorous Morgan Le Fay, belligerent giants, man-eating witches, a libidinous troll princess, walking eyes, a kelpie, and a dangerous magical forest before he can unmask and defeat Arthur’s adversary.  At times humorous, at times satirical, A Kentucky Colonel in King Arthur’s Court is a fast-paced adventure in the style of that grand old fantasy magazine Unknown Worlds.  Also included is The Swamp Maiden of Venus, a bittersweet tale of youthful romance and a boy’s addiction to fantasy.

About the Author

Kenneth Tucker grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, and received his Ph. D. from the University of Kentucky.  Now retired, Dr. Tucker taught English at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky for 31 years.  His academic specialties were Shakespeare and literature of the English Renaissance.  He has published widely, writing book reviews and articles on a variety of writers, including Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Webster, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Robert Penn Warren, H. G. Wells, and H. P. Lovecraft.  He is also the author of Eliot Ness and the Untouchables, The Historical Reality and the Film and Television Depictions (2000), Shakespeare and Jungian Psychology, a Reading of the Plays (2003), and A Wilderness of Tigers, a Novel of the Harpe Brothers and Frontier violence (2005).