So...This is Your Life- Mataya Arrow

(A Tribute to a Healing Dog)

by Gaye J. Gompers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/06/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781420834574

About the Book

Mataya was an apricot poodle. He was so small, he could fit in your pocket. I would bring him to visit the Elderly people in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Places. Everytime they saw him, their face would melt with love...Mataya brought up memories, feelings of Love and Kindness towards animals.

The book is filled with large, delightful photographs taken from many visits over the years. Mataya wore different costumes, hats, and was the Star in numerous funny skits. Each chapter descibes a different Life Celebration, a "party" with Fun and Laughter! Come with me on the Journey that was Mataya''s life story. He shall be remembered now and then, here and there...especially during every Holiday time!


About the Author

Dr. Gaye “Jo Jo” Gompers has been a licensed psychologist in private practice (Miami, Florida) since 1987.  She has a multitude of roles besides being a therapist, and Grandmother, she is a Master Story-Teller!


She is the Founder and director of the H.O.M.E. Foundation, whose mission is to bring together Elders and Youth in mutually enrichening ways!


You are encouraged to contact her at her e-mail address, if you wish to share comments related to this book or your experiences in using pets as part of the healing process.