Sabado Lubere

by Dustin Mudd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/01/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781420811216

About the Book

The book is about love, not sex, but that good kind.  Oh you know, that warm feeling you get inside when you pull someone out of a burning building, or when you hold your first born child in your arms.

Slavery in the United States has been gone for almost 150 yrs but there are people who would kill their fellowman just because his skin was dark.  And they say hurtful things like “Man you look like your lips was ran over by a freight train.”  But that’s nothing.  Did you know there’s more blood spilled over religion.  They will kill you while thinking they do God a favor, or he needs someone to do his dirty work.  It seems no mater how civilized we get, we are always at one another’s throats. There’s no tenderness in humanity.  Oh but sometimes there is, and that’s what this story is all about.  You know that special sometime.


Sabado ~ Lubere


Seventh~ Love

About the Author

I have been a writer ever since I was in my early twenty’s.  I was a gospel singer and song writer until I was thirty five, then I tried short stories, and a few novels but no one wanted unsolicited material.  So I gave up for a while.  But being a Christian I felt like I could put a good story together.

I was born in Meade Co. Kentucky, but Louisville, KY is my home town.  May 6, 1942 was the day I came into the maze of life.  I learned that nothing is permanent.  An neither can you put confidence in anything, not even a priest or rabbi, so, what ever good the almighty has given, I feel as though I have fastened my seat belt for the short and agonizing ride.  I love to play chess, but the guitar, and my faith in God is my love.  Oh sure, I love my wife and children.  But my children are all grown, and I’m 62.  I used to be an amateur boxer in my teens and early 20’s.  So I guess I am as guilty as the rest when it comes to violence.  All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.