The Viet-Nam and Military Art of Ben M. Kennedy

by edited by Erica Kennedy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/08/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781418475314

About the Book

This is an artist’s perspective of the missions and machines of his Viet-Nam experience.  His special passion is for the Huey helicopter, on which he served for three tours in Nam, as well as later in the States.

This “picture-book” of memories tells the story of the different helicopters, as well as specialized missions, combat assaults, shootdowns, crash and rescue, and includes the “fixed-wing” planes with which the choppers worked.

Mr. Kennedy’s love for the technicality of these machines is evident in the detailed, realistic style of his presentation.  This is a perfect  gift for your Viet-Nam vet or anyone interested in the aviation of that time.

About the Author

A veteran of three tours in Viet-Nam, from 1968 to 1971, Mr.  Kennedy’s passion for aviation (and the Huey Helicopter, in particular) is well reflected in this collection of his artwork.  His stories, poem and other descriptions add to the overall sense that this is a personal history – but not just his.  It is a history of thousands of young men, some of whom did not live to remember it.

During the war, the artist often traded a quick sketch of the day’s mission for a Pepsi.  Nowadays, his pockets bulge with technical pens, but years ago ball-points and even cigarette butts proved useful to his art.  He drew or painted wooden planks, paper napkins, and helicopter noses.