Sublime to Ridiculous

A Collection of Poetry & Probes

by Terri Powers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/09/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781410789860

About the Book

What you are about to embark upon is a wild roller coaster of potpourri, including deep tragedy, humor, naughtiness, danger-induced fear and completely impossible weirdness.  This is a compilation of poetry written since age 11, and true stories of events in my life.  Most of the stories are meant to impart a lesson to the reader, namely lessons learned by the author in the process of living them.   The more tragic stories have been written with the victims’ families in mind, and therefore do not seek to exploit them, but rather to give hope for their futures. 

My poems have been inspired by magazine pictures, by my dreams, experiences, craft fairs or just the boredom of insomnia.  Some of the best pieces have hit me around 2 a.m. and I’ve been forced to arise immediately to jot them down lest I lie awake or forget them.  Often, I’m only given a glimpse of a poem right away, and it can be awhile before the rest comes, usually after I’ve written it off as unusable.

Again, the stories really happened.  I confess to everything.  Would I make up such things, indicting myself?

About the Author

Female, age 43, has lived in California since 1966.  Originally from Prairie Village, KS, which most people in the civilized world have never heard of.  Has been back to the old neighborhood twice, looking for bumps on the sidewalk, a manhole cover, and assorted playground equipment.  Found most of them.

Spends her time writing, house sitting for silly but mostly friendly animals, working on craft projects and checking out ebay for items containing pictures of fruit and vegetables.

Those who personally know her may have a hard time depicting which items in this volume are ridiculous.  They may seem like just normal everyday events for her.  Let’s see if you can sort them out.