Crown Princes : Satan and Leviathan Accuser of the Brethren and God of Self

by Rogita Seratt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781414022666

About the Book

The Crown Princes: Satan and Leviathan is an in depth study of the tactics Satan uses to capture, bind, and immobilize his victims. It is a step-by-step guide towards personal freedom through self-deliverance and healing. It covers the basic spirits under the authority of the Accuser of the Brethren and Self, identifying them by definitions, characteristics, locations, operations, manifestations, points of access, and common connections. It also teaches how to maintain deliverance through godly opposition. It is the second book in a series that is being used by Healing River’s Ministries International and is designed to take you through a process that will enable you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ without continually battling with past demons.  

About the Author

Rogita Seratt is a licensed minister with the Pentecostal Church of God and pastors alongside her husband Craig, who is an ordained minister. Rogita is called, anointed, and established in prophetic deliverance, spiritual warfare, and intercession. She is currently working on her Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Education, and her love of the Word shows through in her writing. God has allowed her to understand mysteries, and given her great insights that she has openly shared with others. As she watched the wonderful deliverances at the hand of God, and the ease of which it was accomplished, she began to fully understand its value. As people continued to come it did not take long to know that they needed this information “in hand” so they could follow through and maintain their deliverance. They needed sound wisdom in a language that was understandable to the non-theologian. So she wrote as the Holy Spirit directed, and has watched God drastically change and empower lives for His glory. With the help of their Heavenly Father, they have established Healing Rivers Ministry, an apostolic ministry for the twenty-first century.