The Construction of Tragedy


by Mary A. Mann



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/12/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781414016269

About the Book

A beacon for the 21st century is an understanding of  the Science of Being Altogether as practiced by the great tragic dramatists.

An integral part of the art form of tragedy is deemed to be the dramatists’ adherence to the  philosophy of the Science of Being Altogether where the artist becomes intuitive scientist in creating a microcosm of the universe itself.  Six plays Antigone, Hamlet, King Lear, Murder in the Cathedral, A Man for All Seasons, The Condemned of Altona are analyzed in similar format  

in HUBRIS, The Construction of Tragedy.

Societies and forms of government may vary but humanity itself does not change significantly.  Antigone, Hamlet and Albany in King Lear are deeply aware of mortals’ cosmic connection and the responsibilities resultant from it.

Hubris in human activity such as domination, exemplified by Creon in Antigone, and  martyrdom extolled by More in A Man for All Seasons and Thomas in Murder in the Cathedral can be understood to be scientifically untenable and destined to be chastened or broken by the universal life force. The Condemned of Altona addresses the 20th century disconnect of human morality from cosmic harmony.

At the end of each play’s analysis, a section is devoted to its contemporary relevance.  Contemporary issues as fear of dialogue, domination , martyrdom,  religious  fervor and ideological hatred, and the slide into hopelessness  all fit into patterns of human behavior that are explored in tragedy.

About the Author

Descended from Australian pioneers, Mary Mann has a Ph.D. in Communications and Drama from the University of Southern California.  Her book ThuGun and Natasha, a drama with rap was published by 1stBooks in 2003.  Another book  Two Family Plays,  Maria and the Comet on the life of Maria Mitchell and The Round Table a lively retelling of Arthurian legend including the hitherto unknown Merlina,  is also scheduled for publication. Dr. Mann edited two separate editions of The Los Angeles Theatre Book which documented the small equity waiver theatre scene  in Los Angeles from 1972 - 1984.  Her 7 hour play Anzac, a saga of war and peace in the 20th century and  taken from real life was published by Mithra Press and  premiered at the Globe Playhouse in Los Angeles. The Right of the Womb - post 911 is a woman’s response to that event.  This publication of HUBRIS The Construction of Tragedy is the second edition, with a new preface.