Elegant Numbers

A Look at Patterns, Relationships and Symmetries in Mathematics

by Ronald J. Wendel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/04/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 466
ISBN : 9781418443917

About the Book

Anyone who studies or works with mathematics sees patterns everywhere. There are patterns within formulas, tables, graphs, and proofs. The book, Elegant Numbers, is a compilation of many interesting and unusual mathematical patterns. It looks at patterns and symmetries within fractions and formulas, number series and sequences, Pascal’s Triangle, prime numbers, and various fractals. It also looks at other relationships. For example, within the book you can find five methods of creating a Sierpinski’s Triangle, eight methods of finding Pythagorean Triples, 14 methods of finding square roots, and over 25 methods of multiplying two numbers together. The purpose of this book is to share with the reader some of the more amazing mathematical patterns and relationships. While there are some proofs, the book does not rely on them to bring out the elegance that can be found in many of these relationships. In fact, you don’t need anything more than a love for numbers and a basic understanding of Algebra to enjoy this book. Elegant Numbers is meant to be a Math book you’ll come back to again and again. This book was very exciting and interesting to write, and you’ll find it just as amazing and interesting to read.

About the Author

Ronald Wendel graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. He has worked for several years as an engineer, during which time he had the opportunity to learn several programming languages. He has always enjoyed reading books on mathematics and solving technical puzzles. During his spare time he has written several programs that examine many of the mathematical relationships mentioned in this book, including fractals, number sequences, Pascal’s Triangle, and prime number patterns.”