A Life Remembered

by Gloria Madden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403328663
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403328670

About the Book

A mature woman late in her career years reminisces about her life, beginning with her parents’ purchase of their home when she was a little girl. She and her friends enjoy parks, picnics, and circuses. Her school days end with graduation. Careers are pursued. Her parents retire, travel for awhile, then their lives ebb to a close. She retires, takes a trip, and finds new friends. A casual meeting on a plane trip to Florida blossoms into a romance. Winter turns to spring. Her lover passes away suddenly, after a joyous cruise. She returns home to her family and her homestead to enjoy many more happy years with her nieces, nephew, and their families.

During the later years, with loving care, her family helps repair and modernize the homestead and convinces her not to move away, but to hold on to the comfortable homestead filled with so many memories. It is truly filled with A Life Remembered.

About the Author

During my youth, I had the loving guidance of my whole family, especially my mother. My children married and were blessed with their children and my great-grandchildren. One of my hobbies was crocheting afghans for my family.

After my career years, my loving husband and I retired to Florida, where I became involved with the Senior Citizen’s Club of Dania, Florida and the Lioness Club of Dania, Florida, earning the Golden Chain Award. Since then I have enjoyed many hours writing children’s stories as a hobby. Two of the books published are titled Grandmother’s Bedtime Stories, in addition to this family-oriented novel.