Miami - Black Night, Black Dawn

by Filid Beltaine



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/10/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9780759686304

About the Book

A Cuban commando team infiltrates Miami in order to return a former intelligence colonel to Havana, and trial, for crimes against the revolution.

Two college professors and David Tracy, a medical student who runs afoul of an arch conservative, émigré mentality that has come to power over the last forty years and now dictates aspects of the socio-political south Florida experience. ‘Pander, corrupt, control, dominate" are the watchwords of colonel Comachoron, a powerful émigré spokesman – ‘darling’ of an American president. He controls a world wide security force (similar to wackenhut) under auspices of U.S. funded government contracts. With the overthrow of the Castro regime he schemes to be the next President of a ‘free Cuba’. A Beirut like social breakdown ensues – similar to the ‘Elian crisis’ of two years ago where the émigré power bloc tries to be the tail that wags the D.C. dog.

The author has taken care not to allow bias, nor anger to color significant aspects of the work. Basic research (recorded events) is taken from the Miami Herald Newspaper archives. Moderation for the protagonists does not prevail. The work is rich in content, wonderful, humorous moments of compassion – lurking always – deceit, struggle.

Professor (John Hopkins) "It has screen play written all over it."

About the Author

Trained as an environmentalist, Estuarine, fisheries biologist in both Europe and the United States. The author is a documented sea captain, poet, humanist, sensei. He makes his home in Ireland.