Salt and the Seven Deadly Ills

by Karel Sporek



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/11/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9780759663169

About the Book

This is the only book at this time that tells you what your grandmother very likely would have told you: that milk, eggs, butter, sugar, meat and other natural nutrients cannot cause the current massive epidemics of chronic diseases. Of course your grandmother did not even suspect that the medical/nutrition professions would uncover hidden in our bodies such apparently dangerous substances as cholesterol (not one doctor in thousand knows what it is and definitely it is "not a fat" or "similar to a fat" or "like a fat") or miscellaneous varieties of lipoproteins and fats that are now suspected of destroying the human race.

This is the only work that shows you on the basis of scientific principles with the assistance of the most prestigious collections of nutritional data provided by the United States Department of Agriculture over the last hundred years what the real causes are of the epidemics of so many chronic diseases for which the medical/nutritional professionals know neither the causes nor cures.

The subject of this work is the most dangerous and destructive element in the annals of chemistry: chlorine. Chlorine represents 60% (and sodium 40%) of the weight of the sodium chloride (table salt) molecule. It is the only element, with its relatives bromine and iodine, that attacks all other elements including gold and platinum. It is also totally absent in natural foods except for a very small quantity in sea animals and plants. It is however massively added to processed and manufactured products primarily to destroy bacterial growth but also to satisfy salt addiction of most of the populations that have easy access to it.

Sodium is an element that is chemically, but not biologically, closely related to potassium; while potassium is essential in the plant and animal bodies sodium is not and its presence interferes with the actions of potassium.

A warning to potential readers: this book should not be read it must be studied.

About the Author

This author, who has over 50 years of scientific research experience, takes you out of the world of confusion and fraud about the causes of current massive epidemics of chronic diseases and shows you the light at the end of the tunnel: yes, there is a way to prevent being a victim of cut, burn and poison procedures and protect your health from confusing and often fraudulent treatments from the established medical/nutritional advisors and "researchers". With the current price of medications, both prescription and over the counter, the expense for buying this book may be the best investment you ever made and it will be bloodless and painless and at a fraction of the cost of your next doctor’s visit.

The author is a scientist that uses the interpretation of scientific facts and principles, and not hearsay, to determine what is true and what is false in the current avalanche of medical/nutritional theories. He also presents clear and unambiguous, scientifically based, causes of current health problems that no other professional would dare to attempt.