Tall is the Pine

by Joe Rigsby



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/09/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781587218835

About the Book

Joel Murdoch is a product of the deep East Texas Piney Woods of the 1930's and 1940's. Relationship between the races is typical for that time and Joel grows up in that atmosphere without malice to anyone. As he matures and meets Jennie, his views change. Attending a Christian College firms up his changing attitudes, but integration presents problems in his life as a member of the school board. Everything is ok until his daughter falls in love with a young black man. This is beyond Joel's capacity to cope and leads to an unusual climax to this story.

About the Author

Born in piney woods of deep East Texas. He knows his subject and characters from the 1930s and 1940s. Grew up in Beaumont, Texas, during WW II. His high school days were spent there. Graduated from Abilene Christian University in 1951. Graduated from The University of Texas graduate school in 1961. Taught in Texas public schools for ten years. Served in Army medical service in Germany 1955-1957. Worked as a microbiologist for 35 years. Last ten years worked as a medical investigator and autopsy assistant with medical examiners office of Johnson County, Texas. The author is Texan to the core. Realized about 15 years ago he had an idea for a trilogy of novels to tell the story of race relations in his time. TALL IS THE PINE is the first. Realized he needed courses in creative writing to be able to fulfill his ambition. He took courses and began to write.

Has been writing a diverse group of literary works for the past 15 years. Has had newspaper columns published in local newspaper and Beaumont Enterprise.

Winner of first place awards in poetry, essays, and novel categories. TALL IS THE PINE has won a first place award and an honorable mention. Presently, retired and writing the sequel to TALL IS THE PINE.