Robyn's Pond Book

by Robyn Rhudy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9780759675391

About the Book

Novice and advanced pond keepers alike will find something useful in Robyn’s Pond Book. Based on her well-traveled pond web site, which according to one fan, "blows away any other site I have been to about ponds," this book answers all those pond-keeping questions not answered by traditional books. Almost every conceivable pond topic is covered. It covers hundreds of species of plants and animals in depth. Robyn provides details on goldfish, koi, orfe, rosy red minnows, frogs, toads, salamanders, turtles, snails, shrimp, aquatic insects, and dozens of other animals. She provides help for problems relating to algae, aquatic plant care, mosquitoes, herons, and much more. Each topic includes scientific information as well as personal stories on Robyn’s experiences. This book is part short stories, part journal, part reference, and part fun. Readers can learn where to obtain multiple free catalogs; where to purchase various supplies, animals, and plants; where to search for pond information; and how to deal with everything from a leaking liner to a fish-eating raccoon. The book concentrates on natural, organic methods of establishing a crystal-clear pond full of colorful plants and healthy fish, frogs, and other animals.

Robyn’s web site has convinced even those people who didn’t even want a pond that they just had to have one! Other desperate pond owners ready to give up changed their minds with Robyn’s help and turned their ponds around. Whether you want a pond, are building a pond, have a pond, or sell ponds for a living; this book will teach you something that you didn’t know, provide links to other web sites, make you laugh, and inspire you to try something new! Robyn’s Pond Book tells pond keepers what they really want to know. It’s easy to read but full of details. She has researched almost every topic relating to fish ponds and water gardening so you don’t have to do it! This book is guaranteed to be different than any other pond book you have encountered!

About the Author

Robyn lives in Maryland with her four cats, one dog, two rabbits, two guinea pigs, one sailfin lizard, three chickens, three aquariums, and seven ponds which are all covered on her extensive web site. She has lived on five acres with her parents since 1977. Classmates voted Robyn as the smartest female in her graduating high school class. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Maryland in 1994 with a major in chemistry and a minor in French. In 1996, Robyn obtained a Masters degree in analytical chemistry and soon began her first pond. By 1997, she had an 1800-gallon pond and created her pond web site. Robyn spent countless hours reading on ponds through books and web sites. She has since advised many hundreds of people on various topics relating to her pets, aquariums, and water gardening. Robyn works as an HPLC food chemist. When not working or caring for her menagerie, Robyn enjoys reading, movies, TV, theater, walking, and sleeping.