Probing the Universe 2ND Edition

by Don Hainesworth M.Sc. M.Eng.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 500
ISBN : 9798823041201

About the Book

From the Quantum to the Multiverse Probing the Universe Quantum theory is among the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century, and how this came about is interesting in itself. Quantum theory was once widely held to resist any realist interpretation and to mark the advent of a postmodern science characterized by paradox, uncertainty, and the limits of precise measurement. It seems that there is a realm of reality in the subatomic or micro-physical domain. The success of the Aspect Experiment in Paris in 1982 marked the end of the contemplation period, with the first direct experimental proof that even the most unusual aspects of QM are a literal description of the way things really are in the real world. Further analyses of QM have led scientists to ponder the possibility of multiple dimensions. Extra dimensions have changed the way physics think about the Universe. And because the connections of extra dimensions in the Cosmos could connect to many more well established physics ideas; extra dimensions are a way to approach older, already verified facts about the Universe. As a consequence of this, physicists have postulated the real possibility of parallel universes.

About the Author