Twenty Steps Toward a Climate of Justice

With 116 posts from the Climate of Justice Blog 2020 - 2024

by Marvin T. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798823040426
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798823040419

About the Book

This book provides a multilayered approach--twenty steps--on how we might move toward a social climate of justice. Posts written for the Climate of Justice Project exemplify how the steps direct us toward meaningful engagement with our social, political, and environmental challenges. The 116 posts were written as responses to conflicts, ideas, and conversations between 2020 and 2024. Many of the posts are instances of dialogue with over 60 authors who have contributed to public discourse, such as Richard Powers, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, and Robin Wall Kimmerer. Some posts are more philosophical than others, and some more humorous, such as the imaginary interview with Amy Coney Barrett. The first step Focus the Mind on a Climate of Justice lays out the basic premise of the book, with eight posts including Who will Protect us? and A Framework for our Thinking. The second step Take Care of Civic Spaces defines the civic as the space where we can reconcile social differences and repair social damages. Step three addresses a common barrier to a climate of justice: authoritarian zealots, with four posts including A Message to Christian Nationalism. The seventeen other steps, from Abolish White Supremacy to Care for Civilians include posts that respond to such events as Black Lives Matter, the coronavirus, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and October 7. While the events keep changing, taking the steps that will move us toward a climate of justice have become even more relevant.

About the Author

Marvin Brown’s work has been largely shaped by his effort to integrate his academic background in theology and philosophy with a long-term career of teaching and writing in the area of social and business ethics. Soon after Marvin finished his doctorate in theology and rhetoric at Graduate Theological Union in 1978, he began teaching social ethics at the University of San Francisco. Drawing on what he learned from his students and mentors, Brown published Working Ethics (Jossey-Bass), in 1990, followed in 1993 by The Ethical Process (Prentice-Hall). During the 1990s, Brown worked as an ethics and diversity consultant for such organizations as Levi Strauss and Company. In the following decades, he was invited to give lectures and workshops in Germany, Poland, Argentine, Venezuela, Norway, Canada, and China. Brown’s contact with colleagues and other authors fostered the writing of Corporate Integrity (Cambridge University Press) in 2005, Civilizing the Economy (Cambridge University Press) in 2010, and A Climate of Justice (Springer) in 2022. His books, and papers, have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Korean, and Chinese. In 2020, Brown started the blog Climate of Justice Project, which serves as a platform for writing about the possibilities for a social climate of justice, as a necessary condition for the survival of our planet. Marvin has received an Alumni Achievement Award from Nebraska Wesleyan University and a Lifetime Service Award from the Philosophy Department at the University of San Francisco