Reflective Prayers: 1100 - 1198

by William Flewelling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798823039758
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798823039741

About the Book

This book joins the series of titles assembling my sequence of Reflective Prayers. Earlier productions have taken up the more recent examples of the series; this volume takes up the prior 89 reflective prayers in order. I have come to consider these as perhaps the most significant of my productions, certainly of those I continue to write. In that light, I am hoping to extend the sequence back in time through those I consider to represent a maturity in the engagement with the scriptures I have developed in the course of my ministry. At this time, I am at number 2021; this collection takes the published sequence back to number 1110.

About the Author

I am a retired minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) living in central Illinois. In the course of that ministry, I developed a variety of projects which fit into the weekly pattern based on Sunday. Among those was what I call Reflective Prayers, a response to a gentle reading of the lections for a given service, particularly one at which I would be preaching. These were inspired by the comments on the Prayers of Saint Catherine by Suzanne Noffke, O.P. Sr. Noffke noted that Catherine’s prayers responded to the lections of the day at Mass and were taken down by her confessor. I soon came to realize that the reflective prayers fed my dealing with the lections for the week and served to illustrate for me the energy of prayer in conjunction with the texts. I continue to produce these reflective prayers and have chosen to revisit earlier sequences of the prayers as in this selection. I live in retirement with my wife of 56 years, our 3 doglets and several cats.