An Old Man Thinking for the First Time

by James Kalm Fitzgerald



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9798823017541
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9798823017558
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9798823017565

About the Book

A seed was dropped by a man that did not know he was sowing seeds. A certain seed sprouted a philosophy plant which was noticed by a passerby. The passerby, a lost soul, picked and consumed the plant which awakened a decade’s old and long forgotten planned quest. That quest was locked away in the mind of the lost soul in a closet of things once planned but long since forgotten. In that closet on a bookshelf was a book the lost soul had once thought to read, “The Holy Bible.” Covered in scarlet webs this book now stood out as a quest that must be taken. The lost soul removed the book from the forgotten things in the closet of his mind and moved it from the mind to his hands. The Book was consumed. The old man would start “thinking” differently. This “thinking” it seemed to the “old man” would be useless unless this “thinking” might be shared. No experience in writing, but nevertheless compelled to go fishing for men with words.

About the Author

Raised near Loveland Colorado, the author would follow his father into construction management. Settling in Phoenix Arizona, thirty years building, a few as an insurance adjuster, then more building. While building for a childhood friend in Loveland, in the 7th decade of the author’s life he would pick up a Bible. The author would see, acknowledge, and accept that the Man on the cross is, in fact, who He said He was. The foundation of the author’s world was rocked, that is to say, changed from sand to rock. Feeling time was wasted, the author set about fashioning a “tackle box” with perhaps new lures that might just land a lost soul into that lifeboat that is eternal, aka, Jesus the Rescuer.