Give Yourself Permission To Be Phenomenal! By Discovering Your Purpose

With The Love, Support, And Power of A Partnership

by Carolyn McCall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/17/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9798823005913
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9798823005920
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9798823005906

About the Book

By taking this journey WITH A PARTNER, partners will learn how to:  Connect: Develop an understanding of who you are through partnership and uncover hidden barriers that may impede your progress toward ful lling your purpose.  Activate a Systematic Approach: is systematic approach sounds the alarm and opens the door to ensure no stone is left unturned that could hinder you from operating in your purpose.  Care Enough to Confront Your Partner: Practice having tough conversations respectfully, empathetically, and honestly. is is vital along this journey. Addressing obstacles head-on along this journey needs to be practiced because these are the same obstacles that will hold you back after you have completed this process, which is why it’s essential to practice confronting them while in partnership.  Divine Guidance: God’s “Divine Guidance” serves as the rm ANCHOR upon which this transformative process of living your purpose is built, granting individuals the con dence and passion they need to embark on such a journey as this.

About the Author

Her mantra, “Trust Divine Guidance.” CAROLYN MCCALL IS LIVING HER PURPOSE! She believes at the core of each human being awaits a journey we must all take to birth our purpose. Carolyn has developed a seven-week process that requires you to Give Yourself Permission to be Phenomenal by Discovering Your Purpose With the Love and Support of Partnership. Her book serves as a guide highlighting barriers and obstacles that could be hindering your ability to discover your purpose. Carolyn’s book prompts us to question our beliefs, thoughts, values, and aspirations, urging us to explore the depths of our souls to uncover and harness the talents, gifts, and abilities uniquely placed in each of us. Carolyn is best known for her cognitive ability to challenge traditional thought processes to inspire leaders, and in her eyes, “everyone” is a leader because you are leading yourself. To think beyond what you can see and dream of a life worth living in the 21st century. Her insights have helped thousands of individuals and organizations make life-altering decisions that changed the landscape of their culture and lives. For more information about Carolyn’s programs, contact her on her website: CarolynMcCall-Purpose.Com.