Conservatism for My Grandchildren

by Oliver W. Porter



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/21/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9798823001243
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9798823001250

About the Book

There are many shades of Conservatism in our society. This book relates the Conservative principles of the author, and is a good guide for anyone interested in the motivation of Conservatives. Approximately 36 percent of citizens in the United States currently identify as Conservatives. Much larger than those who identify as either Progressives or Independents. If you are interested in the governance of our nation, you should want to know the principles that underlie each of these philosophies. Conservatism is based on the Constitution. That document forged over a period of months, is a work of genius that could only have flowed into the founders’ minds as a gift of God. Considering all that has changed in the years since the drafting of the Constitution, it is a miracle that the document with only twenty-five enduring amendments is still a viable and vibrant guide for our nation. Conservative beliefs in individual freedoms are strongly supported in a number of sections throughout the book. Other important areas in the book are the portions that support the economic principles that have made the United States strong and prosperous. Conservatives know that Capitalism and the Free Market are the basis for the country’s success, domestically, and in the world market. Conservatives believe in limited government, and there are sections on the budget, national debt, deficits, re-distribution of wealth, and taxes. Conservative views on the important issues of the times are explained. These issues include: Foreign policy, national defense, freedom of religion, and information, the rights of states, voting rights, public safety, sanctity of borders, the environment, education and the media. The book concludes with commentary on the current political administration. The future of America depends upon our values. Conservatives hold to that which has been tried and succeeded.

About the Author

OLIVER W. PORTER is the author of four previous books on the subject of more efficient and effective services for local government that accrue from contracting with private industry. Oliver started, or advised, ten new cities in Georgia, and a number of cities and counties in other states. Currently, he is involved with the creation and management of a privately owned entity in Central America that has many of the attributes of a new country. Among his charitable interests have been serving as National Chairman of two major health organizations. Oliver has often been referred to as a Renaissance Man. During his very productive life, he has been a corporate executive, entrepreneur, engineer, consultant, artist, athlete, international lecturer, naval officer, founder and leader of many national, state, and local charities, and, of course, author. Oliver Porter earned a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of South Carolina, and an MBA from Georgia State University.