Pass it On; A Treasury of Virgin Islands Stories

by Jennie N. Wheatley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781665568180
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781665568197
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781665568173

About the Book

While growing up in the middle of the twentieth century in the Virgin Islands, Boysie becomes known for his boldness and pulling creative pranks. Mr. Smith owns the finest genip tree in East End and already knows that Boysie likes to sneak into his orchard to taste the produce. One day when Boysie recruits two friends to help him pick the fruit while Mr. Smith is napping, the adventure doesn’t go as planned. Soon after being punished for his previous prank, Boysie makes an ill-fated choice to “borrow” a bundle of wood for his mother and realizes there are consequences for lies. When Boysie decides to learn how to swim, he is mentored by a friend who teaches him the importance of believing in himself rather than showing off in front of others. As his experiences continue, what will Boysie learn next? Pass It On shares stories that weave historical events and life into a tapestry that recaptures the bittersweet essence of the past lifestyle of the people of two small Virgin Islands villages.

About the Author

Jeannie N. Wheatley was born in Tortola, Virgin Islands, and later earned a BA and B.Ed. from Mt. Allison University in Canada. For over forty years, she has taught primary and secondary students throughout the Virgin Islands. Jeannie, who is married with three sons, is currently the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs at B.V.I. High School.