The Amazing Mice Capades

by Jan Booth



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781665540124
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781665539968

About the Book

Take a hilarious and epic journey with Steve and Jannie as they meet some small but interesting characters during an adventure to their cabin. In one of the most delightful children’s books about overcoming fear, you’ll see how a tiny mouse can lead to anxious thoughts and maybe an irrational fear or two. And, it will make your imagination flow as the mice have fun plunging with parachutes from the top bunk of the guestroom. Find out how Jannie ended up on the ceiling and see what’s behind her anxiety. It will cause you to think about how to overcome fear in life and what to do instead of worrying as you read it with your kids. It’s one of the few children’s books that serves to help children understand that fear is normal while allowing them to see how to overcome fear and anxiety. With each turn of the page, you’ll see how the effects of fear lead to hilarious enjoyment for the whimsical and intelligent mice in this lively children’s book. Author, Jan Booth, has created an adventurous tale that helps kids learn that feeling scared for no reason is okay and that fear is a normal part of life. Who knows, it might even help the child in you learn a thing or two about irrational fear, anxious thoughts, and how to deal with the effects of fear.

About the Author

Jan Booth has worked with children, adolescents, and adults for over 40 years. Her academic achievements include a master’s degree in the areas of psychology and health, with a special emphasis on mental health. She has received advanced training in addiction studies, parenting, and prenatal education, art therapy techniques, and energy psychology. Her specialization is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her experience in criminal justice, addiction rehabilitation, gang intervention, K-12 education and counseling, and higher academia has brought a plethora of experiences to learn from and share with others. She has taught at a University for over twenty years, which has lent her great insight into the interchange between the brain and mind. Understanding human behavior, motivation, issues of self, trauma, and other aspects of psychology has provided insight into the intense link between internal issues and external success. She views life through a wide lens, seeking out the beauties of life through the simple and genuine kind acts of others. Ms. Booth views humor as healing and sparking the imagination of a child as a valuable and vital source for finding their passions and working to achieve their goals.