a conversation amongst selves

by Tomisin Oluwole



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/28/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781728363097
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781728363103

About the Book

What happens when there’s a pandemic, and you and everyone else you know is forced to self isolate? Who do you turn to ? Yourself. Half Past in the A.M: a conversation amongst selves, is exactly what it presents itself to be. Through a carefully curated body of work, Tomisin captures human vulnerability and a sense of nostalgia for the parts of ourselves we seldom share with the world, or simply don’t share at all. Conversations we have with ourselves in the comfort of our solitude. Some, fictional scenarios we imagined, others, real experiences we may have tucked away. In this anthology of poems, Tomisin speaks to her audience from multiple perspectives and personas, but make no mistake as they are all her. This book examines the many selves we are all capable of exploring, all capable of being. The book also features a few paintings and drawings by the poet herself.

About the Author

Tomisin Oluwole is a poet, writer, fashion stylist, photographer, and model: a modern day renaissance woman. Well known for her personal style and creativity, Tomisin obtained her degree in Fashion Merchandising from CSULB, and likes to reflect this element in her vivid choice of words as presented in Half Past in the A.M. Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, Tomisin now lives in Long Beach, California where she can be found further honing her skills at home, or simply chilling. Otherwise, you might just bump into her at Urban Outfitters where she happens to work at times.