Stunning Stephen Edwards and The West Side Kids in The Invisible Man

by David Dorris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/13/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781728342740
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781728342733
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781728342757

About the Book

If you like to be entertained, you will really enjoy reading this book. Have I ever lied to you before? No, not never. This is a an easy read for any age with a great story that will keeps your attention, make you feel good and make you laugh. Oh yeah. Buy this book, go home, sit in your easy chair, put your feet up and start reading. Once you start getting involved with the story, you may say to yourself, “Impossible, can’t be done. No way.” And you will not want to put this book down. You may want to make yourself invisible so nobody will bother you as you read on with the laughs, plots, twists and turns with many surprises. The story centers around boxing with a boxer named Stunning Stephen Edwards as The Invisible man. The Jerry Dickerson gang is after Stephen for not taking a fall at his last boxing match. Stephen teams up with The West Side Kids Detective Agency and two Davenport Police Detectives to get out of trouble with The Jerry Dickerson Gang. Stephen is introduced a new way to fight crime. One of the Detectives gives Stephen a chemical to drink that will make him invisible. Jerry and his gang are no match for Stephen. As an invisible man, Stephen has fun pulling pranks and spying on The Jerry Dickerson Gang. After hearing what Jerry is planning, Stephen uses this information and forms his own schemes and uses The West Side Kids to fight Jerry.

About the Author

David, who is the author retired after working thirty-five years at Ralston Purina. David got a two-year degree from Scott Community College in 1992 for General Studies. He was a newsletter editor for The Dad's Club, his church and The Junior Chamber of Commerce over the years. He coached Dad's Softball for thirty years. He always taught the kids that played for him that life is like a sport, which encouraged him to write his other three books, "Life Is Too Short", Life Is Too Short: Choices In Life" and "Life Is Too Short: Life Is What We Make It". David would joke around once in a while about writing a short story about a Dwarf going around robbing and killing people. He was caught by the police and this Dwarf was sentenced to the electric chair by a judge. David was going to call this short story, Small Fry. A friend of his suggested he write a book about Small Fry. After thinking about it, David came up with a more detailed version of Small Fry and all the Danger, Excitement and Adventure is in this book. In David's new book, the Danger, Excitement and Adventure continues as The West Side Kids team up with Stunning Stephen Edwards in Stunning Stephen Edwards and The West Side Kids in The Invisible Man. This story has a real live boxer mixed in the world of fiction containing The West Side Kids, two Davenport Police Detectives and The Jerry Dickerson Gang. There is no violence, but lots of laughs. The story line will make the reader want to keep on reading to find out what happens next.