Earth School

The Personal Proverbs, Parables, Poems, Prayers and Pathways

by Michael Jean Nystrom-Schut



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 698
ISBN : 9798823040440
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 698
ISBN : 9798823040457
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 698
ISBN : 9798823040433

About the Book

Earth School is a follow-up to a book written by Michael some 35 years ago named Earth Dwelling – An Owner’s Manual. That book covered his overall World View at the time, being his “then” rendition of Life on Earth, as this book, Earth School, is his “now” account of earth life. Earth School discusses our purposes for being here on this planet, breaking down matters in the four (4) primary balanced aspects of life – the Mental, the Physical, the Social and the Spiritual. A fifth section is included that involves the subject of World View or Personal World Philosophy. Then, in section six, a short Index of topics is provided. This quarter million-word manuscript was over two years in the making, representing the most recent rendition of Michael’s interpretation of life as he sees it. As one’s evolution of thought is ongoing, it is thus just one more chapter in a long book of life that Michael has been writing.

About the Author

Michael Jean Nystrom-Schut has been writing/publishing for several decades while trying to figure out the meaning to life’s deepest questions for much longer than that. With years of intense familiarity in education, business, personal study, and real-life experience behind him, the questions, in his mind, still vastly outweigh the answers. Michael has dedicated many years of his existence piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of a balanced personal philosophy and worldview that has evolved to be both effective and reasonable for him. He claims it has saved him from a life of emptiness and despair. Failing to find this from the religious, science, and social communities, he set out decades ago on an eclectic path of personal enlightenment. Michael understands that a philosophy of everyday life is important for everyone. He has actively written books in an effort to create a pattern of anthological thought that provides his readers with all of what they need to encounter life in a more meaningful and successful way.