Mending Broken Lives

One Woman’s Journey With Bipolar Disorder

by Jenny Wren-Patrick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/27/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781728392097
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781728392219
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781728392080

About the Book

After suffering years of anxiety and abuse, Jenny Wren-Patrick was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. And while learning about her condition helped to explain a lot of her confusion and mood swings, her consultant psychiatrist advised her to take another step forward and start to write down her life’s story. Mending Broken Lives is the result, and for Jenny, writing it has unlocked many memories both good and bad, helping her to deal with the things she had buried deep down. She has received counseling at various times but still maintains that writing it all down has been the most help, and hopefully it will help others too—whether you are another soul with bipolar disorder, a professional studying bipolar disorder, or someone who has a friend or relative with this disorder. With the right support and understanding, there is light at the end of this long black tunnel.

About the Author

Jenny Wren-Patrick is a woman of 53 from the UK who is living with Bipolar Disorder. She struggled as a child with sexual abuse and anxiety and ended up being sent to a boarding school for girls with special needs. She met her husband soon after she left school, married at 19 and had her only child at 28. She was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder just after her son was born. Despite having met with more than her fair share of life’s stumbling blocks, she has managed to use her experiences to her advantage and has been employed in education, supporting many individual special needs children in local Primary Schools. She has set each child free, one at a time, exploring their difficulties, emotions and neglectful abuse and has helped each child to overcome their anxieties. Each one receiving a gentle blow of their Dandelion Head Clock and flying into their more hopeful futures.