
Jesus' Peace In the Midst of It All Volume 1

by Mardochee Estinvil



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/11/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781728317328
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781728317311

About the Book

Problems and pain are inevitable in life. However, how we walk through these moments and manage them make a significant difference. Relax is a Christian book that helps readers walk peacefully even in the most difficult moments in life.

Relax reflects on the peace one experiences when one constantly abiding and remaining in Christ. The theological projection is often peace after deliverance or when one gets to heaven. In contrast, this book engages readers in a level of maturity in Christ and helps one build a mindset where he or she can explore God’s peace in this life, at all times, anywhere and this can begin right now.

Relax challenges readers to stop letting oneself beaten by depression, anxiety and stress. It challenges readers to thrive in difficulties instead of allowing the difficulties to move us, similar to how the wind moves an empty plastic bag. A peace to all and for all is found only in Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Mardochee Estinvil grew up with a passion for theology and accepted his calling to ministry after the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. His experience serving in his mother’s non-profit organization First Fruit Haiti has helped him understand and minister to people in different crises. Both his education and experience in First Fruit Haiti have helped him understand crises from many perspectives and enabled him to present a message that is relevant to people from different backgrounds.

Estinvil’s theology doesn’t focus on presenting a hope that is out of touch with reality or that doesn’t help people grow in the image of Christ. Rather, he explores the messages that help us grow and dives deeper into the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Estinvil is inquisitive, committed to his research and on a continuous journey to learn more. He engages in the reality of many and presents a gospel that is both understanding and challenging without compromising the essence of the gospel. He loves paradoxes which challenge him to see matters from different perspectives.

Estinvil has a double major in business leadership and biblical theology. He is currently working on his Master of Divinity. In Relax he promotes the life that is in Christ and more importantly explores how to live peacefully in Jesus Christ. His book is unique; it doesn’t challenge believers to ignore the reality, but encourages them to thrive in the reality. Relax helps readers build a mindset that explores the grace that is in Jesus Christ and lives in the standard God created humans to live in despite the difficulties in life.