Pieces of Me

by Melissa Monék



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/20/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781728309934
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781728309941

About the Book

Imagine falling apart, and it feels like life has just swallowed you whole. The only way to survive is for you to pull it together. No one sees your tears, no one hears your cries. You are drowning in sinking sand and then BOOM! God pulls you out of your mess and everything that tried to destroy and kill you; he turned into your new life. That’s what Pieces of Me is. It’s a journey through my life and the things I’ve overcome. We all have a story, and I hope mine helps someone in some way to at least begin to deal with the silent demons of their past. This book will take you on highs and lows and make you happy and sad. But the connection you can take away from it will surely touch you.

About the Author

Melissa Monek, a native of Miami, Florida is an artist, writer, poet, and educator. As she continues her journey from her first published book, M.O.T.H(Matters of the Heart), she begins to depict an insight of her life through poetry. In this unique way, Melissa decided to put a twist on speaking her voice, using this platform to hopefully reach and inspire those who haven't yet found the courage to tell their story. She know how it feels to be in dark places with no one to turn to, to wear scars that no one can see, and to bear the pain of life with her head held high and a smile on her face. She is truly a testimony of her many tests. A conqueror, a fighter, a survivor are all the titles that Melissa wear as she continues to press forward on her own self healing journey. Everyday isn't a bad day but when they are, she holds on to God's unchanging hand and weather the storm. She defines herself as a Beautiful Disaster, a Diamond in the rough that will shine so brightly with everyone she meets.