From Start to Finish

by Vernell Everett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/28/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781546278108
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781546278092

About the Book

The choices that man makes are the determining factors of the life he lives. The characters in these short stories are depicting life as it was lived from the characters’ own makings. The reader will get an opportunity to share the experiences of people who traveled a different trail to their destination.

About the Author

Vernell Everett is a retired management employee from General Motors Inc. He has serviced on many community organizations’ boards and chaired several county committees boards. He has been the president of a non-profit community civic association for eight years. He has been writing and publishing historic fictional novels for ten years. He has published ten novel plus the biography of his brother and his own autobiography. Vernell Everett graduated from Oakland University with a degree in Industrial Psychology, He did post graduate study in guidance and counseling. He has an associates degree in business administration from Oakland Community College. Everett has many years of experience working with employees at General Motors. He was a member of management. He has many years of experience working with community-based organizations. His many years of working in leadership roles give him the necessary skills to pass on valuable experiences to the younger generations of his people. Everett climbed many hills on the social roads to become the man he became.