I’m Not Chinese

A Tale of Satori, Cooking and Self-Discovery

by Obry Alan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/20/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781546267713
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781546267720
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781546267737

About the Book

This is a book about entrepreneurialism, cooking, and discovering how life takes on new meaning when you decide to work for yourself.

About the Author

For the past thirty years I've operated a Szechuan take out concession at Grateful Dead like musical events, dog shows, Harley bike events, you name it. Sold 16 tons of noodles and thousands of egg rolls doing it, met lots of great people, had lots of self-discovery, learned how to profitably operate a business, and lived the talk as well as the walk. Please, ask me questions. The book is about all of the above and the title is a pejorative reference to things not always being what they are assumed to be. It's about claiming responsibility for your life, operating a business, finding fulfillment and joy and finding an escape clause for being who I am and whom I wanted to become. A self fulfilling prophesy. This is a how to tale for anyone wishing to take charge of their lives and begin living their dreams. Hopefully it is easy to read, easy to comprehend and perhaps even the inspiration we need to 'get on with living the dream'.