Understanding the Power of Resilience Economy

An Inter-Disciplinary Perspective to Change the World Attitude to Socio-Economic Crisis

by Mohamed Buheji



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/13/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 386
ISBN : 9781546286677
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 386
ISBN : 9781546286660
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 386
ISBN : 9781546286684

About the Book

Resilience is a value that unfolds over a lifetime and has shown to be expressed in different ways and by different disciplines. The book covers a total review and reflections of resilience role in creating better socio-economy. The author targets to provide practitioners, researchers and change community leaders a roadmap to boost resilience economy and resilience engineering and manage their existence. This work is essential for better withstanding adverse shocks and reducing the economic costs associated with weak economic structures through ability to absorb disturbances and bouncing back, while continuing to function. With resilient economy, the world would witness more harmony while enhancing its capacity to respond to sudden crisis. Something that is worth exploring more in today’s daunting conditions.

About the Author

Brief about the Author Dr. Mohamed Buheji is the founder of International Institute of Inspirational Economy. www.inspirationeconomy.org. Youth Economy Forums www.youtheconomy.org He is considered a leading expert in the areas of Excellence, Knowledge, Innovation, Inspiration, Change Management and enhancement of Competitiveness for over 25 years, being a retired professor from University of Bahrain, he is still visiting professor for MBA programs in different countries in MENA region. Dr Buheji is also the Founder of Inspiration & Resilience Economy Journal & Int'l Youth Economy Journal. He teaches classes that are relevant to Inspiration Economy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge & Change Management and Current Issues to both MBA Students and undergraduates. Besides he leads seminars on the Subject of Inspiration Engineering & inspiration Labs Dr Buheji has published since 2008 more than 50 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and 17 books mostly in Arabic about thinking, lifelong learning, quality of life, inspiration and competitiveness. Also he has five books in English about Knowledge Economy, Inspiration Economy, Inspiring Government and Inspiration Engineering He is also a Fellow of World Academy of Productivity Science.