Super Grandma and Super Grandpa: The Unknown Superheroes Book 1

by Christine J. Gilbert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/11/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781524639044
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781504934633
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781504934626

About the Book

In the suburbs of the city lived a Super Grandma, Jeanne Classyca, who had two grandchildren. Super Grandma was a special agent, and she had super magical powers. She was a classy lady and believed in eating the right foods and exercising. Not far away downtown in the city lived a Super Grandpa, Patrizio Wannabee, who had three grandchildren. He was a special agent and had super magical powers. He didn’t believe in eating healthy or exercising. One would describe him as a bit chunky, until Agent Classyca encouraged him to eat healthy and work out. Super Grandma and Super Grandpa were unknown superheroes and worked together on cases involving saving children in danger by using their super magical powers. They each owned a safety training school that taught safety and martial arts to children to make them aware of stranger danger, stop drop and roll, cyber bullying, and more. While they were working on a case, evidence was found in a wooden box, and they discovered their students and grandchildren were in danger. It was up to Super Grandma and Super Grandpa to catch the criminals by using their super magical powers. While they were trying to catch the criminals, something unexpected happened, and their super magical powers may have been handed down to their grandchildren.

About the Author

Christine J. Gilbert grew up in a small town in Missouri. She was a corporate executive and then later became a successful entrepreneur. She has attended two universities and served in the US Army Reserves for six years. She has a daughter and two grandchildren. By being a grandma, she became aware of the Super Grandparents who spend time with their grandchildren or take care of them full-time.

September 11, 2015, Christine published book one of the Super Grandma and Super Grandpa, The Unknown Superheroes series to educate children and adults about safety and awareness with a super magical power theme for fun. Book 2 to the series was published September 11, 2016, and Book 3 was published September 11, 2017. Publishing dates are 911 because in the story, Christine educates about the emergency phone number 911.

"Never write a book and let it sit on a shelf" quote, Author Christine J. Gilbert

Linkedin: Christine J Gilbert

YouTube: Christine J Gilbert

Christine has also published three other books that is a series under her pseudonym, Author Marvela Dawnay. MANipulated Into Fear, There Is Always A Pattern, Book 1 that was published on December 19, 2012. White Roses In A Dream, Traits, Patterns, and Action Plans, Book 2 was published December 14, 2013, and DEEP SEEDED SECRETS, Corruption, Lies, and Murder, Book 3 was published on July 26, 2019. She is currently writing Book 4.

Books 1 & 2 have received a "ForeWord Clarion Five Star Review."