The View from Infinity

by Chris J. Berry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/28/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781504940542
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781504940559
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781504940566

About the Book

After welcoming the congregation, the priest continued to announce the opening hymn, making no mention of why he had replaced Father Carmichael for the service. It raised the curiosity in Connie, especially as the rest of the congregation seemed relaxed and familiar with the priest addressing them. As the service continued, Connie found herself looking around the church to see if Father Carmichael had arrived. Peering through two pillars adjacent to their pew, her gaze fell upon a commemorative plaque set in the wall beyond. In bold script cut into the stone, Connie focused on the name of the church’s founder. She stared, stunned at the words “In memory of Father Carmichael,” followed by the dates of his life span several centuries earlier.

About the Author

Since writing the first of his books, the author’s main objective adheres to his plan to try and help the creatures and people of our planet. Gazing across the world, nothing seems to change, with conflict the continuing trend on earth. Societies descend into violent confrontation, with factions fragmenting into smaller dependencies rather than seek to unite the nations of our world. Global weather extremes continue to fuel humanitarian crises, destroy food harvests, and desecrate their crop areas. The theme of this twelfth project, The View from Infinity, the sixth in the series A Voyage to Infinity, seeks to expand on the author’s suppositions of what the life beyond offers in the previous books. The introductions in this series, the author hopes, will provide clues that ask us to view life logically and consider the transience of life, our inevitable exit from it, and what that means in terms of the material wealth we strive to generate. Considering those factors establishes one fact—that nothing in the material world belongs to anyone—and poses the question, which then is the real world? He persists in his belief that the demise facing humanity can only be addressed by a united world. Remaining dedicated toward our Maker’s doctrines, the author seeks to abide by his ten laws to guide his life.