The Truth Does Set Us Free

I Was Spiritually Bankrupt and Didn’t Even Know It!

by Kathleen E. Brummer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/18/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781462411177
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781462411184

About the Book

Compelling testimony of Author’s awakening which radically changed her spirituality and understanding of life. Read of experiences and insights that fortify her new direction.

About the Author

Kathleen was born in rural Minnesota. After High School she joined the religious life, believing that this decision was a good one for her. She and her family valued their faith, and her two older sisters had gone to the convent. Because of this, Kathleen had a positive exposure to this way of life.

But she was not free in her beliefs or in that way of life. Only in time did she come to listen to her heart and leave the religious life.

Readers will witness her journey and her arrival into a program of recovery which challenged her to let go of her concept of God and develop a new relationship with God. In doing so, she came into a freedom she had never known before, and she wants to share it.

After leaving the convent Kathleen’s work has involved parish music, music composition and arranging, graphic arts and writing. She also enjoys reading, homemaking and gardening.

Kathleen is married and has a husband and two sons.